
Japanese version

The MAYZ Toolkit is provided as a part ot Enju. Compiling MAYZ/Enju requires LiLFeS to be already installed. For compilation, it also requires g++ version 3.2 or higher.

  1. Download a source package "enju-X.Y.Z.tar.gz" (X.Y.Z is a version number) and untar it.
    % tar xvzf enju-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
  2. Run "configure" script.
    % ./configure
  3. Make it.
    % make
  4. MAYZ tools are created in "mayz-src/".

For those who took the package from CVS

At first, you must run the following commands to make "configure" script.
% aclocal; autoheader; automake --add-missing --foreign; autoconf

MAYZ Toolkit Manual MAYZ Home Page Tsujii Laboratory
MIYAO Yusuke (